Surf Internet presenting program Wednesday

From reports

The Whitley County Economic Development Corporation, Whitley County Commissioner’s Office, Community Foundation Of Whitley County, and Surf Internet are spotlighting an exceptional opportunity for residents to bring high-speed internet to their homes by applying to the Indiana Connectivity Program (ICP).

Join us for an informative event on Wednesday, March 20, from 4 to 7 p.m. Eastern Time, at the Community Foundation of Whitley County, 1171 E. Woods Way Columbia City, Ind. The event is free and open to the public.

The Indiana Connectivity Program aims to connect residents and businesses that lack access to broadband internet service with service providers and assist in the expense of extending broadband to those locations. The program requires residents to apply to the program individually so that the ICP can assess geographical needs. Internet service providers, including Surf, will later have the opportunity to bid on state Next Level Connections Broadband Grant funds to help provide high-speed internet to communities in need.

Residents are encouraged to bring the following items the facilitate an easy registration process:
● Speed test results. Visit and note download and upload speeds.

● The name of their current internet provider and monthly payment amount.

● The names of any other internet providers that service their address.

During this event, members of the media will have the exclusive opportunity to:
● Interview community members wishing to obtain high-speed internet for their residence.

● Capture compelling visuals of residents applying for the Indiana Connectivity Program at multiple
computer stations within the event space.

● Engage with Surf Internet representatives, who can elaborate on the specifics of fiber-optic internet and how grant funds contribute to the development of advanced fiber networks.

● Help raise awareness about this unique and important opportunity for residents across the State of