South Whitley Community Facilities, Inc. offering grants

The annual meeting of the South Whitley Community Facilities Inc. will be held in December 2023 in South Whitley.  The agenda for the meeting includes reviewing grant requests, election of new board members and election of officers.

In 1975, a foundation was established to raise funds and build a medical center for the community.  The purpose of the foundation is to promote the health and well-being of the South Whitley/Cleveland Township areas.  The interest from the principal is awarded annually to support local projects.  Over $200,000 in interest money has been allocated to various community betterment projects over the past 45 years.

All organizations that apply for a grant should promote the health, education and/or welfare of the citizens in South Whitley and/or Cleveland Township.  All applicants shall meet the requirements of a 501c3 organization.  

This local foundation is currently accepting requests for funding.  A copy of the grant application is available from: Cindy Barnett,   Applications must be received by December 8, 2023.

The 2023 officers are: Todd Jones-president, Joe Grant-treasurer and Cindy Barnett-secretary. Other board members include: Marlene Mishler, Cory Sickafoose, Ronda Sroufe, Wayne Swender and Tonya Warner.