Call for Volunteers: Old Settlers Parade needs your help

From Reports

The organizers of the Old Settlers Parade are calling on community members for urgent assistance. They need help with the much-loved OSD parade.

A brief meeting will be held on Sunday, June 9, 2024, at 2 p.m. at Eagle Park, the site of the old Columbia City High School, located at Whitley and North Street. This meeting is for those who have previously volunteered or those who are interested in contributing to the parade’s organization, particularly for lineup duties on the day of the event.

The parade committee is in desperate need of reliable volunteers to help with the parade lineup on the day of the event. It is essential that potential helpers attend this meeting so the committee can get to know them and explain various aspects of the event.

For those who are eager to help, but cannot attend the meeting, please reach out immediately by emailing with “HELPER” in the subject line.