300 more wreaths needed for Greenhill veterans

Updating a story we brought you last week, Columbia City veteran Gary Bird is still working hard to bring Wreaths Across America to Greenhill Cemetery in hopes of placing a holiday wreath on 400 graves there.

“We still need 300 wreaths,” Bird shared this week.

Although 100 wreaths have been sponsored at this point, it’s still not enough to place a wreath on every veteran’s grave and the November 23 deadline is quickly approaching.

“It will be extremely difficult to determine which veterans get wreaths,” he added, if the 400-wreath goal is not reached.

Still, Bird is hoping to reach the goal – one wreath at a time.

“So I need your help. (If) 300 folks sponsor one wreath (each), that’s it,” he said.

To sponsor a wreath, visit http://www.wreathsacrossamerica.org/IN0185P