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Mudpuppies are a species of special concern in Indiana. They are secretive and hard to locate, so the Indiana Department of Natural Resources biologists are asking for your help with tracking their populations.
During winter, mudpuppies move into shallow water and are more frequently caught by anglers. They may also be viewed from shore using a flashlight while walking along the lake bottom at night. These salamanders can be identified by their red, fluffy gills on the back of their head, although the gills tend to lay flat against their body when they are out of the water.
If you catch a mudpuppy while fishing, please photograph it, cut your fishing line (do not try to remove the hook), and release the mudpuppy back into the water. Report your observation to the DNR herpetologist at and include a clear photograph of the mudpuppy, the date, and the location where it was found.